Rock Cod Ceviche
The success of this ceviche is predicated on the quality and freshness of the fish, as well as the specific olive oil you use. Beyond being mindful about these two factors, this is an exceedingly easy dish to dazzle your seafood loving guests with.
Combine the olive oil, vinegar, lime juice and sea salt. Whisk to combine. Add in the other ingredients including the fish and stir to combine well. Marinate covered in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Serve. NOTE: The longer you allow this to sit, the more the fish will begin to "cook" in the acid of the lime juice and fall apart. Ideally, you want to mix this and serve it straight away. However, if you do let it sit, it will still be edible but the fish will break up. Serves 6 as an appetizer Enjoy!! |